It’s Not Too Late for the Flu Shot

Flu season is just beginning, but you may have been hearing talk about the flu shot for several weeks now. One of the misconceptions about the flu shot is believing that it’s too late in the season to get vaccinated. Of course, it is more advantageous if you get the flu shot sooner than later, but any time is okay as long as you’re vaccinated before the height of the season. There are many more misconceptions, half-truths, and untruths when it comes to flu shot vaccinations. Read on to learn why everyone–including pregnant women and children–should get the flu shot on a yearly basis.
The Safety of Vaccinations
Since 1998, when pseudo-doctor Andrew Wakefield published a misleading and false report about vaccines and autism, patients have had distrust when it comes to vaccines. Even though his theories were debunked numerous times by qualified physicians and scientists, the misconceptions live on. And unfortunately, on the internet and social media, it can be tough to tell the real from the feigned. Not only are children’s vaccines trustworthy and safe, but so is the yearly flu shot. There are even more half-truths circulating about the flu vaccine. Since both the flu and the vaccine change on a yearly basis, it's easy for fact to become fiction. The yearly target the United States strives for each year when it comes to flu vaccinations is 70 percent of the population. However, in recent years the U.S. has been hovering around 47 percent, leaving more than half of the population at risk for influenza, which can be deadly.
Truths and Misconceptions
One of the first misconceptions about the flu shot is the false narrative that the flu vaccine can actually give you the flu. This is simply not true. Particularly resistant strains can still make you sick. However, you will not be as sick as your neighbor who did not receive the vaccine.
Speaking of your neighbor, think about them, your children, your coworkers, and your family when you get the flu shot. Receiving the vaccine means that you won’t spread the disease to others. You may feel impenetrable when it comes to the flu–perhaps you haven’t been sick in years without receiving the vaccine–but the truth is, everyone is vulnerable to flu, not just children and the elderly (those 65 and over). In fact, college students are one of the most at-risk age groups when it comes to flu.
Other Myths
There are also circulating misconceptions that children and pregnant women should not get the flu shot. In fact, a pregnant woman should absolutely get the flu shot. Not only is she protected from the flu, but so is the unborn child. Children comprise another at-risk group that should be vaccinated.
Lastly, many patients believe that a flu shot is “good” for multiple years. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The strains of flu change each year, and as such, the vaccination must change as well to combat these new, more resistant strains. Everyone needs a flu shot once every year. If you need more information about the flu shot or need to receive your updated vaccinations, visit a Trust Care Express medical clinic. With multiple separate locations, you have the option of walking in whenever it’s convenient for you.