Not So Common Signs Of Common Allergies

Most people who have allergies, especially seasonal allergies during this time of year, can recognize the signs of this all too common ailment as soon as they start to occur. Spring often has allergy sufferers reaching for the tissues, eye drops, decongestants, and any other medications to relieve their pain and discomfort. While a runny nose, itchy eyes, and headaches are the usual symptoms, there are also some other health issues that arise from allergies that many people don’t directly connect.
What Are Common Allergies And Who Gets Them?
Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to something that your body views as harmful. This can be food, environmental elements, medications, mold, pets, and even latex. When your body recognizes these harmful substances, it overreacts, sending your body into an allergic reaction. These reactions can present in a range of ways, everywhere from watery eyes to anaphylaxis, which is when your throat swells and causes difficulty breathing. More than 50 million Americans are affected by allergies each year, and allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the US.
Many people know they have allergies only after having a reaction to something, but there are also tests to determine the exact culprits that affect you personally.
What Are Other, Less Common Signs Of Allergies?
In addition to the most commonly recognized symptoms, there are a number of other things that people might not recognize as being caused by allergies. Many people who experience environmental reactions also have asthma and may experience coughing that presents like a cold but lasts for longer than is typical. Other symptoms that present as unrelated illnesses include frequent infections, headaches, sinus infections, sore throat in the morning and even nausea and vomiting. Physical issues that might also occur can include dry skin and eczema and itchy ears. Many allergies can go one step past physical illnesses and can actually cause mental distress that can include irritability, brain fog, mood swings, chronic fatigue, and sleep problems.
How Can I Treat My Allergies?
The first step to treating allergies is to understand what you’re actually allergic to. If you begin to see trends in how you are feeling and how your body reacts during certain times of the year, you may be experiencing seasonal allergies. If you have had hives, itchy skin, or redness, these can often come from food or something topical. We offer treatment through allergy drops, education, and medications like antihistamines. Our goal is to not only identify your allergens but also teach you how to avoid them and make yourself Feel Better Faster when you come into contact with them.