How Can Urgent Care Help You?

Have you ever needed medical care just about the time your doctor’s office closes? This happens to a lot of us! It usually goes something like this..."if they had only started running a fever a few hours ago" or "if they had only fallen and hurt their arm after lunch instead of after dinner.” The reason we feel this way is because the thought of going to the local ER can make some of us cringe. Who wants to sit in a waiting room for hours being exposed to who knows what and end up with a huge bill? One alternative to consider is visiting your local urgent care center.
Urgent cares were created for those in-between patients who need medical attention but have a non-life threatening injury or illness. It's the perfect place to go for things like strep throat, stitches, sprains and strains, urinary tract infections, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pink eye, ear aches, etc... They usually can perform minor medical procedures, x-rays and basic laboratory tests. This gets you out the door and to the pharmacy much quicker than an emergency room.
Urgent care centers are not open 24/7, but they are open until around 8:00pm and the cost for the patient is less than an ER visit. Not only is this better for your pocket book, it's also helpful to have an option when your primary care physician can't fit you in during normal business hours. Some people prefer going to urgent care centers during the day for last minute issues rather than trying to figure out when their doctor has an appointment available.
You may be wondering how to tell if your problems are minor enough for an urgent care center or if you should go straight to the emergency room. Some examples of symptoms that should send you to the ER are chest pain, difficulty breathing, signs of stroke such as weakness on one side of the body or drooping facial features, severe abdominal pain, head injuries, fainting, seizures, serious burns, falls or injuries while taking blood thinners, etc ... Bottom line, you should trust your gut and go to the ER if you think you should.
Urgent care centers offer you an excellent choice of quality care when you need medical attention right away and don't feel you need to go to the dreaded emergency room!
The choice is easy in the metro Jackson area - TrustCare is a great option for urgent care. We have multiple locations, open weekdays 8am-8pm, Saturdays 9am-5pm, and Sundays 1-7pm. When you need to see a doctor, think TrustCare and Feel Better Faster.