How to Help Kids Transition Back to School After Winter Break

Goodbye, late nights and comfy PJs. Hello, alarm clock and homework.
After a few weeks of sleeping in, enjoying unlimited playtime, and indulging in holiday treats, the transition back to school after winter break can be tough – not just for kids but for their parents and caregivers, too!
Here are some tips to help set your child up for a successful and stress-free return to school, from re-establishing a normal routine to supporting their physical and emotional health. We’ll also explain what to do if your child needs extra time to adjust and how to make the transition go more smoothly.
Start Preparing Early
The end of winter break can come abruptly if you don’t plan ahead. For younger kids, make a calendar they can mark each day to count down the return to school. Encourage older kids and teens to write the date on their own calendar or set an alert on their cell phone.
We suggest organizing your child’s school supplies and packing their backpack in advance, so everything is ready to go when the time comes. After-holiday sales are an ideal time to replace old or worn-out supplies and give your child a fresh start.
Finally, encourage your child to set goals for the new semester and write them down where they can see them daily. These goals can serve as positive motivation for the rest of the school year.
Don’t Fall Behind
Kids often put off winter break assignments until the last minute and then must scramble to complete them, causing undue panic and stress for everyone.
Remind your child about their assignments throughout the break, so they don’t have to feel rushed before going back to school. You may want to schedule specific times during the break that are reserved for schoolwork only – the earlier, the better.
Re-Establishing a Sleep and School Routine
Getting enough sleep is critical to every child’s ability to learn. Kids who don’t get enough sleep are also more likely to have behavior and attention problems when they return to school.
If your child has been staying up late or sleeping in during winter break, it may take a while to get them back to their normal routine. Try moving bedtime back in 15 to 30-minute increments the week before your child returns to school, until they are back on their usual school sleep schedule. Otherwise, that first morning alarm is going to be painful!
To make your mornings less stressful, try getting into the routine of prepping the night before school starts as well. You or your child can lay out their clothes, have their backpack ready, and prepare their breakfast and lunch ahead of time. Like all routines, practice makes perfect.
Reinforce Healthy Habits
Your child’s diet and exercise habits also greatly impact their ability to learn and succeed. Most families eat more than usual during the holidays, especially sugary, high-fat foods. They also exercise less, thanks to busy schedules and more time spent indoors.
If your family’s healthy habits have gone out the window for the last few weeks, now is the time to get back into action. Eating balanced meals and staying active benefits kids and adults alike.
Talk About Their Feelings
Feelings of anxiety are common after an extended break from school. Returning to the classroom means returning to the pressure and hard work associated with school, especially for older kids and teens. Let your child know that these feelings are perfectly normal, and encourage them to talk with you openly.
Be sure to watch for lingering stress, difficulty focusing, or other changes in their behavior. If your child continues to struggle, inform their teacher or guidance counselor. It may also be helpful for your child to speak with a mental health professional for extra support.
Plan a Special Back-to-School Activity
Though it may take a little time, your child will hopefully get back in the swing of things quickly. If all goes well, consider celebrating their return to learning with a special dinner, trip to the bookstore, game night, or whatever activity your family enjoys doing together.
Count on TrustCare Kids
Back to school means back to germs! The pediatric experts at TrustCare Kids are here to help your child stay healthy and Feel Better Faster® when they’re sick.
TrustCare Kids offers walk-in urgent care services seven days a week, including weekends and holidays, and pediatric primary care by appointment. To get started, find a TrustCare Kids location near you today.