How to Tell the Difference Between Allergies and a Cold
The symptoms of a cold and various allergies can mimic each other closely, but it’s important to get it right, since the treatment
Read More5 Creative Ways to Painlessly Remove a Splinter
While there isn’t a lot of genuine danger in getting a splinter, it can become infected if not removed in a timely manner. So how do
Read MoreLiving with Fall Allergies
Autumnal allergies are a very real concern for many Americans, and there is nothing quite like sneezing your way through September,
Read MoreWhy Your Strep Throat Keeps Coming Back
A common ailment that mostly affects children, strep throat is responsible for up 40% of sore throats amongst children during a given
Read MorePoison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Allergies
Poison ivy, oak, and sumac are a few well-known examples of plant life that can make a pleasant nature walk turn uncomfortable in
Read MoreIs Strep Throat Contagious?
Some symptoms of a strep bacteria infection (also known as acute strep pharyngitis) are similar to other upper respiratory infections.
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